Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Seeing The Light

We love to watch the sunset. At home, it can be a real event. Sometimes we stop everything to look to the west and take in the combination of sky, water, fog and fading light that draws the day to a close.

Last night we were treated to a spectacular sunset by looking, oddly enough, to the east.

Our camp is at the base of “The Watchman”. It’s a monster of a canyon wall that welcomes visitors to the south gates of Zion. In the morning, it’s dark in shade. Its colors and patterns begin to emerge in the midday sun. As afternoon becomes evening, this guy comes alive.

As we prepared dinner over the grill, we planted ourselves with The Watchman in full view and watched the changing light. One of us grabbed a camera and over the course of the next 45 minutes or so fired off 60 shots. This is one of our favorites.

What a treat it is to take the time to sit and watch the light.

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